27 April 2010

spring things

I love this time of year more than anything. Spring in west glacier is a beautiful thing after the cold and snow of winter. We've been snow free for a couple of weeks now and had quite a beautiful march but now plants are coming up and a few are even blooming.

Pottery-wise, the non-frozen months are just so much easier. The hose laying in front of my shop...ready with fresh water for rinsing and glaze making. No fire in the woodstove to start and stoke...doors open for dogs to meander freely in and out. Outside storage and tables...ooohhhh. good stuff.
(the flying frog was made by my dear friend susan nebeker and I love him leaping in my lavender).

11 April 2010

serendipitous potter moment

I was in the Berkeley area last week visiting a friend and crafting my brains out. On my list of things to do was to drop in on the studios of "Fourth and Clay" to possibly pick up a piece by christa assad. The universe had a different connection in mind, though. As I spoke with the artist staffing the gallery and looked at her pots, I realized that I had purchased one of her beautiful mugs at a clay conference in Portland about 4 years ago..not knowing the potter, just loving the cup.
Leif (husband person) had been chastised for breaking said loved piece over a year ago. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to replace it and to meet the maker who is as lovely as her work.
Thanks Josie, it was a pleasure. To visit Josie's blog:http://josiejurczenia.blogspot.com/